Overview of our Daycare Programs
Precious Purple Infants (6 weeks to 1 year)
Our academy’s Precious Purple Infant program will provide a nurturing, fun and safe environment for each of our children to develop and reach age appropriate milestones. Teachers will supervise, educate and inspire our infants’ everyday with much love and dedication while building a relationship of trust. In this stage, very young children need an enormous amount of care and attention to learn and develop appropriately. NMB Tiny Hands Daycare Staff members will be positive role models using strong communication skills. They will do so by talking, singing, and reading throughout their day across all censorial activities to communicate with others and engage in back-and forth interactions. We provide moments that will challenge and support each child’s cognitive, language, social, emotional, physical and creative development which will provoke their thinking through hands on experiences.
Our mission with Precious Purple Infant Class is to support and to encourage each individual child care to reach their major achievements, which includes bringing their hands near their faces, moving their heads from side to side while lying on their stomach, grabbing and shaking toys, rolling over, sitting up, standing by themselves, imitating words, and possibly walking.
All babies have milestones to develop and our teachers are prepared to help them discover their amazing world and support them while understanding that each child develops in their own pace.
Also our curriculum allows our children to make sense of their world by exploring a rich and amazing censorial environment that will meet each child’s needs.

Yellow Younger Toddlers (1 year olds)
At this age children grow up and learn quickly. They are super curious to discover the world around them. Our NMB Tiny Hands Daycare Academy staffs are prepared to make their world colorful and interesting.
Each lesson plan is purposeful, planned intentionally and structured around the six main development areas: language, literacy, executive functions, social, emotional, and physical.
These developments and creative expressions are important for each young toddler in this classroom. Their classroom is prepared so that younger toddlers can explore it in a safe, creative and fun way all while in their own pace.
Our staff is prepared to make each day the most fun possible for each child and help them reach each milestone for their age.
Our Yellow Younger Toddlers have freedom to choose what activities they are interested in and their teacher will help them build their own knowledge, as well as enhance their curiosity.
Brilliant Blue Toddlers (2 year olds)
Our Brilliant Blue Toddlers program is designed to support and help our kids explore and play with the opportunity to learn and promote language development, fine and large motor development, social and cognitive development.
Our teachers are prepared to teach them “kindness” concepts throughout the day because our academy believes that teaching a child to respect themselves and others is one of the most important factors in self growth. We have an awesome, caring and lovely staff that will make each child’s day the most fun possible, where they learn through the art of playing.
NMB Tiny Hands Daycare Academy will support each child’s overall development by offering a nurturing, safe, challenging and creative environment for them to discover the world around them in a fun and colorful way. We will be a bridge where they will receive all the support required for them to reach the appropriate developmental outcomes of this age. They will be able to improve their language skills, to sort, to count and discover artistic and musical abilities. They will also learn how to control and differentiates their emotions. NMB Tiny Hands Daycare Academy provides a place as nurturing as home for each child.

Radiant Red Pre-schoolers (3 year olds)
Our Outstanding Red Preschoolers survived the “terrible twos”, now they will start another magical year. It is a time for his or her imagination to run wild. Their development continues to grow in many ways and at different times.
Your child is ready to achieve the following development milestones:
- Begin recognizing and labeling his/her own feelings.
- Connect even more with his/her teacher as a trusted adult.
- Adjust to new situations.
- Engage in imaginative play.
- Follow more attentively to classroom routines.
- Capable of properly using a fork and spoon.
- Increase control when he/she is manipulating objects.
- Begin cutting objects with scissors.
- Recognize & name basic colors.
- Capable of listening to stories and communicate in understandable sentences.
- Better understand and follows simple directions.
Those are some of the skills that your child can reach in this age with creative and enjoyable stimulation. However, every child will develop at his/her own pace and our staff is well-trained to work with each child in their own unique pace.
Gifted Green Pre-schoolers (4 & 5 year olds)
Our Preschoolers program is designed to build social and cognitive skills, foster independence, improve communication skills and cooperation, and create a strong sense of confidence that each child will need for a successful lifestyle in school and in their personal lives.
Our NMB Tiny Hands Daycare Academy staff helps create a safe, warm, creative, healthy and nurturing environment, which help our toddlers discover amazing and interesting things about their lives and about the world. This will especially help them become independent day by day.
All activities are based on what we know about children, including what they should know and be able to do along a continuum of development.
By following this methodology, we can assure a balance of activities and choices throughout the day all of which are done through the art of playing. Our kids always will be the main characters of our school, while our staff will be just their helpers who assist as each child builds their own concepts and transforms them into knowledge.